Resources for Lent and Easter
As part of the Westar Institute, Praxis in part seeks to bridge the gap between religious scholarship and culture. To that end, we've put together a list of resources for those preaching, teaching, leading -- or just wanting deeper exposition -- during the season of Lent and Easter. Our list includes some brand-new material as well as past books, articles, blog posts, audio, and more to help people think critically about the historicity and meaning of the Passion narrative. We hope this list will be helpful!
Inventing the Passion: How the Death of Jesus was Remembered by Arthur J. Dewey
The Trouble with Resurrection: From Paul to the Fourth Gospel by Bernard Brandon Scott
The Resurrection of Jesus: A Sourcebook edited by Bernard Brandon Scott
Gospel, Jesus, and Christian Origins by William O. Walker
The New Testament: A translation — A Review with Hal Taussig
Understanding Biblical Content with Robin Meyers
The Historical Backdrop of the New Testament with David Galston
Cognitive Dissonance and the Resurrection of Jesus by Kris Komarnitsky
Washing Dogma off Baptism by Hal Taussig
Baptism: A Pre-History by Stephen J. Patterson
The Ritual of the Hellenistic Meal: Early Christian Everyday Practice as an Exegetical Challenge by Soham Al-Suadi
Monastic Meals and Ritual Practice by Lillian I. Larsen
Changing Courses: Eucharistic Origins by Andrew McGowan
Blog posts:
Helping Jesus Fulfill Prophecy: A Report on Robert J. Miller by Cassandra Farrin
The Radical Call of the Kingdom of God by John D. Caputo
Translating Baptism by Bernard Brandon Scott
A Secular Jesus by David Galston
Preaching the Resurrection of Christ Series by John Shelby Spong
- Getting the Resurrection Text Straight
- Searching the Text for Clues to the Resurrection
- The Third Day: Not a Matter of Chronological Time
- Reconstructing the Easter Moment from Biblical Clues
- Entering the Reality of the Easter Experience